khmer v1.3 release notes ======================== This is the v1.3 release of khmer featuring a new FAST[AQ] parser from the SeqAn project. Docs at: New items of note: ------------------ Fixes the two multithreaded reading of sequence files issues: FASTQ parsing and the recently found read dropping issue. Several khmer scripts now support reading from non-seekable plain and gziped FAST[AQ] files (a.k.a pipe or streaming support). @mr-c #642 Notable bugs fixed/issues closed: --------------------------------- restore threading to #699 @mr-c Additional fixes/features ------------------------- increase filter\ coverage #568 @wrightmhw Provide scripts/ testing coverage for check\_space\_for\_hashtable #386 #678 #718 @b-wyss Use absolute URI in CODE\_OF\_CONDUCT #684 @jsspencer give SeqAn credit #712 @mr-c Added testing to make sure all sandbox scripts are import-able and execfile-able. #709 @ctb reduce memory requirements to run tests #701 @ctb Two minor bug fixes to sandbox scripts #706 @ctb Upgrade of trim-low-abund for better, more profitable streaming. #601 @ctb Add --force or --expert or --ignore flag to all khmer scripts that do sanity checking #399 #647 @jessicamizzi Add XDECREF for returned read tuple in\_pair\_iterator() #693 @mr-c @camillescott Known issues: ------------- All of these are pre-existing. Some users have reported that will utilize more memory than it was configured for. This is being investigated in #266 If your k-mer table is truncated on write, an error may not be reported; this is being tracked in However, khmer will now (correctly) fail when trying to read a truncated file (See #333). Paired-end reads from Casava 1.8 currently require renaming for use in normalize-by-median and abund-filter when used in paired mode. The integration of a fix for this is being tracked in #23 Some scripts only output FASTA even if given a FASTQ file. This issue is being tracked in #46 A user reported that fails with small files and many threads. This issue is being tracked in #75 Contributors ------------ @mr-c, @ctb, @camillescott, @b-wyss, @wrightmhw, @jsspencer